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Editorial Board Announcements

Pleased to announce we’re adding two wonderful Chicago writers to the Anthology of Chicago editorial board: Mason Johnson and Matt Rowan. Here are their vitals:

Mason Johnson is a writer who writers.

Matt Rowan lives in Chicago near Mayor Emanuel who is not his best friend presently, but maybe one day? Time will tell. In his non-teaching time he writes and he edits Untoward Magazine with the lovely Ashley Collier. His story collection Why God Why is available by way of Love Symbol Press. Some of his published work can be found in Artifice, SmokeLong Quarterly, Another Chicago Magazine and PANK. More can be found at He loves Albert Parsons, Mike Royko and the stink of nostalgia emanating from the Rainbo Club at Damen and Division. 

If you are interested in serving on the editorial board, please email & tell us about your editorial experience & why you’d like to participate in the project.

Launch & Open Submissions

Welcome to the Anthology of Chicago! I’m thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting pieces from our Hyde Park round, which brought in a wonderful crop of poems and stories. Keep an eye out for them. Our first two pieces, both by Steven Schroeder, are titled Mutual Invisibility and Morning, Dealing with Etiquette. Hyde Parkers will recognize the references to the Linné statue on the Midway and the building formerly known as the GSB.

We’re also opening up submission to two new neighborhoods, Pilsen and Logan Square. The deadline is June 10th. Directions for sending in work can be found on the Submissions page, and full guidelines are here.

As always, please connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for our mailing list. Submissions will slowly open to other neighborhoods; let us know where you’d like to see Anthology of Chicago go next!